Author Archives Mosaico

  • “S.O.S. The container has arrived: I do not know where to begin, PLEASE HELP ME!”, Cecilia told me on the phone. I immediately took some days off and left for Botswana. We spent entire days busy with matching up shoes and dividing clothes according to size and weight. All this took place in the dust, […]

  • Dear Friends, The harsh Kalahari winter will is finally coming to an end, thank Goodness. I feel the effects of the sudden changes of temperature quite a lot: temperature may fall below 32 °F at night and in the early morning, while it might reach 86 °F at noon. The children fall easily ill in […]

  • Ghanzi, 5th June 2007 Dear friends and supporters, Suddenly, and even too soon, it is already winter. I got up several times last night to put many wool blankets one on the other. Finally, I fell asleep covered by 5 blankets: the thermometer inside my house stood at -1 °C at 5.30 a.m.. At this […]

  • Dear friends, After the Christmas holidays the children came back safe and sound, in good health condition and quite clean from their villages. This represents a big progress on the part of their families. Only one little girl did not feel well: she had lost weight, was anaemic and her scalp was full of infected […]

  • Dear friends, Our Christmas Party at the Children’s Home was a big success – we organized a little Nativity play together with the children. Joseph and Mary, holding a black doll in their arms, sat in the shade under a tree. Annah, with her shrill voice, played the Angel Gabriel, who brought “the good news […]

  • Dear friends, I am very satisfied with and happy about the great achievements we have successfully reached recently. Our four children attending elementary school are making incredible progress, and things are changing for the better at pre-school as well. Maryna, the woman who works with me, has been a great help for me, so that […]

  • Ghanzi, 28th August 2005 Dear friends of the Kalahari, 10 weeks have already passed since my arrival in the Kalahari Desert and I am about leaving for Italy. I feel like seeing my children and grandchildren again. I am very tired and I need to rest for some days. Everything is rather fine at the […]

  • Dear friends and supporters, Our family has grown in the last two months, I think we have finally overcome all bureaucratic and cultural difficulties. We are fostering 10 children at the moment and next week 2 kids from Francistown are joining us. 13 children from D’kar, a suburb which is 4 km way, attend our […]

  • Vestibulum mollis convallis laoreet. Sed vestibulum lacus non tellus tristique vestibulum molestie elit elementum. Integer posuere ultrices urna, ac scelerisque enim scelerisque eu. Nam purus orci, consectetur posuere tincidunt sed.

  • Nam purus orci, consectetur posuere tincidunt sed, euismod eu lorem. Donec accumsan lobortis mauris, non porta nisl gravida nec. Cras et massa tellus. Praesent eget odio vitae nisl consectetur malesuada.

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